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Gaye Johnson

Certified Consultant


My Story


My name is Gaye and I am your Scentsy Consultant!

I began my journey with Scentsy not knowing anything about the products. This was back in 2016. I was a consultant through 2018 then took a break and have now returned to the best direct sales company there is! I still love all the products that Scentsy has to offer. The fragrance of the bars, the ingenuity of the warmers (which have just gotten better all the time), the laundry products (I absolutely love crawling into bed at night and smelling French Lavender on my sheets. It calms me along with the Lavender Essential Oil in my Diffuser filling the air with its aroma.) The many other products that make up the Scentsy line keep me intrigued as well. The one thing I love even more than Scentsy itself is the customers! I enjoy hearing their experiences with Scentsy products and just chit chatting with them. It makes my day!!
If you are contemplating a direct selling business, then Scentsy is the way to go! It is the best!

What's warming in my home